Monday, December 10, 2012

Nothing But Tigers

So, I read $30 A Week Habit, everyday.   Robert has this insanity serial collection.  Making a collection of serial numbered cards 1 - 1500, 50 cards a team, 30 teams, 1500 cards.  Very creative, indeed.

I have always had this vision that my basement walls would be covered with all kinds of Tigers cards.  I got the idea from ESPN Zone in New York City.  In this restaurant (which are now defunct) They had a winding staircase plastered with cards on the walls leading up to the bar area.  What a sight.  So I have had this vision of what I would like my "man cave" to look like.

Now, how am I going to do it?

So I started going through my cards this summer after a 10 year hiatus to see what I had.  I filled two 800 count boxes of Tigers in various condition stages.  Then I started thinking about how I wanted to arrange the cards.  On plywood?  On some kind of 4x4 cheap table top?  Varnish?  I don't know and my "man cave" won't be really in the works for at least 10 years while my kids play around in it.

Then I started recollecting (get it, RE-collecting) about my collection as a kid and wanted to get back in the hobby and at least bulk my collection to place it was (and sharper corners and less creases in the cards).  So I started visiting the local card shop, Extra Innings. and grabbing cards out of the dime box and any Tigers set I could come across to at least get my "big project" a healthy re-boot.

So here I am now, in the deep end of collecting, searching eBay, writing about it online, trading across the country, stacks of boxes in my basement, it's endless.

Now the Insanity Collection has spawned the Nothing But Tigers collection.  All Tigers # 1 - 802 (that is the highest numbered Tiger I have found)  I will need some guidelines like:  No same player or brand year on the same page.

Send me your Tigers doubles and I will do my best to get something to you.

It's fun to me.

Keep it Hot on the Corner

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Came across your blog, and I have about 50 or so Tigers cards that are yours if you want to send me any Padre doubles you have lying around. Shoot me an email if you're interested - backstop(dot)cards(at)gmail(dot)com
