Friday, December 27, 2013

Clubhouse Connection

Mr Kaz of New Hampshire proper sent me a Christmas Eve package of Tigers, let's take a look.

First out of the box, Mr. Met Kaz gets Ty Cobb #501 in the Nothing But Tigers binder.

Others that made it in the NBT binder

Some that would fit in nice w/ NBT but I don't own them yet, so they go in the regular Tigers collection

#531 Orlando Miller, need 1 more!

Another assortment of Tigers I now own

I do not know what is worse here, the scan or 2013 Valverde's season...

Thank you, good sir, Mr. Kaz, best wishes on the birth of your first child!

Keep it hot on the corner, par.


  1. No sweat, Pat! I was eager to help out your NBT project. I'm hopefully gonna make it out to a local show this Sunday and will be on the hunt for more...that is, unless a certain little someone decides to join the outside world!

  2. Been watching Tiger baseball all my life, but don't remember Todd Severson or Orlando Miller. I must be slipping
